Several days after unearthing that huge piece of slate, Miss V and I were digging at the same location when we hit something solid. We'd been through so many episodes of pulling out cobblestones and bottles, we were sure it was just more of the same. We approached the digging from various sides and just as I slid and almost fell, we realized it was something smooth. To our great surprise, it seemed as though the large piece of slate had reappeared - just about a foot deeper. We swept away the soil until the entire shape was revealed: narrower and a bit longer than the original one. But it was buried deep on one end. Optimistically we prepared a place for it near the other slate, with hopes of enlarging our patio. Now, all we needed was to assemble another team of strong men. October 1st was a sparkling day, and we were lucky to find two new friends of the garden, willing and able to help us. Had it not been for the persistence of Mr. C and Mr. R, this second piece never w...